
No more searching for contractors for export services: everything in one place on the "Export Professionals service"

2023-12-26 12:00
In 2023, the Export Professionals service on the My Export digital platform successfully processed more than 5,000 applications from Russian exporters. More than half of the total number are applications from SME companies that applied for services with state support provided by regional Export Support Centers.

Already today, more than 500 accredited REC business partners provide their services on the service in 9 priority areas of foreign trade services used at various stages of the export cycle. If earlier companies had to search for information about contractors for export services, their experience and reputation in various sources, today it is possible to get everything in one place - on the service "Export Professionals".

"By giving our customers the opportunity to process the service online we are creating a level playing field for companies of all sizes and locations to access export services. This strategy not only increases the speed of service delivery by reliable contractors, but also reflects our commitment to creating an inclusive environment in which every company can effectively interact with contractors, increasing competitiveness and stimulating economic growth," specified Artur Zavyalov, Director for Development of Partner Infrastructure and Non-Financial Products, REC.

In 2023, four new services were added to the line of digital services with state support from regional Export Support Centers:

- Participation in exhibition and fair events;

- Participation in business missions;

- Certification of goods for foreign markets;

- Transportation of products.

Against the background of strategic integration of state support and entrepreneurial initiatives in the development of foreign economic activity, it is worth noting an important milestone: in 2023, 82 Export Support Centers are actively implementing state support measures and providing access to 12 key online services through the "Export Professionals" service. The introduction of digital services is designed to simplify access of SME companies to state support for the most demanded services in the field of foreign economic activity, to create an open process of receiving services, as well as to become an organic element in building a unified digital ecosystem in the field of foreign economic activity.

The companies Sudislavl-Torf from Kostroma and M-Plast + from Novosibirsk are examples of successful exporters actively promoting their products to foreign markets.

"Sudislavl-Torf" is a peat mining company engaged in peat processing and production of various humic preparations from it. Thanks to regular developments, the company has reached products that are interesting in the world and have export demand. According to the exporter's representative Dina Koryakina, the company has been exporting for four years. Since 2023, it has started active export activities and has been able to significantly improve the efficiency of export operations.

"One of the final customers of our products is the Chinese Government, which has agreed the governmental approbation of the product on the territory of the country and has already allocated 300 thousand yuan for the experience in 2024. Thanks to cooperation with the Russian Export Center, we visited the world's largest exhibition on the agricultural sector in China, after which we have already shipped the third container of products to Chinese customers. The second container was sent to the client, with whom a dialog was conducted for more than two years and only after the exhibition, thanks to a personal meeting, the demand for the product among the visitors of the exhibition and an interview on the federal TV channel of China, the client signed a contract and bought a container of products weighing 20 feet. The plan is to enter new and promising markets, including Japan, Korea and the Persian Gulf countries. On the "Export Professionals" service on the "My Export" platform, we were able to find companies that provided us with advice on logistics and legal support for verifying the foreign trade contract. Given the large number of companies on the market, it is very important that the service offers an opportunity to cooperate with verified contractors. This partnership helped us to strengthen our position in the foreign market and contributed to the successful development of our business," said Dina Koryakina, representative of Sudislavl Peat LLC.

"M-Plast +" has been successfully engaged in production of packaging products from polyethylene and polypropylene for more than 16 years. During one year of export activity the company has successfully concluded four export contracts. Currently, with the assistance of the representative of the Russian Export Center in Kazakhstan, M-Plast+ is actively working on concluding a contract with a company that has expressed its willingness to become dealers and plans to organize joint production in the future.

"Our company started working with the My Export platform back in 2021, when, as part of the national project "International Cooperation and Export", we began active work on filling the platform with useful services for exporters. If initially we used it mainly as a resource with analytical data, assessing the prospects of exports to certain countries, then within the framework of participation in the accelerator program we started to work more intensively with the platform. Thus, the company used the services of the Export Professionals service, which provided us with various types of support, including valuable advice on logistics. I would like to note that thanks to the harmonious interaction of all the support elements presented on the My Export platform, we successfully expanded our geographical presence and concluded our first export contracts," said Elena Vdovina, General Director of M-Plast + LLC.

At the moment "M-Plast +" carries out export deliveries to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and plans to expand the geography of its deliveries, as well as to increase production and export volumes.

"Next year the Export Professionals service will continue its development. Our priority will be to improve the usability of the service and optimize the customer journey. We also aim to further develop our partner network and introduce new technologies for more efficient support of our clients," specified Artur Zavyalov, Director for Development of Partner Infrastructure and Non-Financial Products at the REC.

The "My Export" digital platform provides online access to government and business services that support companies' exports. The platform's services provide solutions to the main tasks at each stage of the export cycle. "My Export" is one of the focuses of the national project "International Cooperation and Export", which is aimed at increasing exports of non-resource non-energy goods.

JSC "Russian Export Center" is a state institution for supporting non-resource non-energy exports, which provides financial and non-financial assistance to companies of all industries at all stages of entering foreign markets, including within the framework of the national project "International Cooperation and Export". The REC Group also includes the Russian Export Credit and Investment Insurance Agency (EXIAR), ROSEXIMBANK and the Export School.